Years ago, Bangalore was also known as “City of lakes” but as the drastic modification by urbanization seeps in, the lakes were obliterated. The weather is definitely amazing in the city but still the pollution has exponentially increased in the city. As the hair loss prevalence is increasing not just in Bangalore but globally, the demand of the hair transplant procedure is increasing too.
In Bangalore, the hair transplant industry has flourished but when you talk of the best it is Jaipur and Delhi that has won the crown. As people do not compromise on the quality and well aware of the influence of expertise on the outcomes of hair transplant, people don’t mind travelling to the best destinations.
The hair transplant cost in Bangalore and other metropolitan cities are comparable in their costs but the quality is unsurpassable in Delhi and Jaipur. A lot of domestic and international patients visit to these destinations every year for the hair transplant tourism.
If you are also looking for the best hair transplant clinic in Bangalore, then think ahead and choose the best one in our country which is none other than Medispa hair transplant clinic. We are the most sought after clinic for hair transplant treatment in India and has been recognized globally for our incredible services. Dr Suneet Soni is among the finest hair transplant surgeons across the country whose skills and expertise are well appreciated around the globe. His vision to design hairline is exceptional which makes him deliver very natural looking hair transplant results.
Hair transplant procedure
Hair transplant is a minor procedure involving harvesting of the hair from the donor area and implanting them at the recipient site which is the bald area. The process of extraction and implantation is termed as hair transplant. The procedure is intended to cure the baldness at the scalp area or in the facial areas like beard, moustache or the eyebrows. The hair transplant can also be a solution if you are not happy with your hairline and wants it to be corrected or redesigned.
Due to the permanent results and naturalness of the outcomes, the hair transplant has emerged to be the most effective way to deal with baldness. The transplanted hair could be cut, shaved or trimmed the way you want but not right away after the procedure. So it presents very natural growth after the procedure.
Hair transplant technique
There are 2 primary ways to perform hair transplant which include: FUT and FUE hair transplant.
FUT hair transplant refers to the technique in which a thin section of skin is taken out from the back and sides of the head. The strips is cut into further sections in order to achieve individual hair follicle. Each hair follicle is transplanted at the desired bald area and the donor area is sutured back.
FUE hair transplant involves the extraction of each hair follicle individually from the donor area by inserting a punch like device into the skin at a certain depth and pulling the hair follicle out. The extracted hair follicles are transplanted in the slits prepared at the bald area.
Choosing these techniques is one of the major step towards the success of the procedure that has to be decided holistically. So every single step of the planning is crucial for the success of the procedure.
How to find the best hair transplant clinic in Bangalore?
If you are looking for hair transplant then you might be aware that there are mixed reviews about the procedure. A lot of cheaper clinics have been introduced these days which has ruined the credibility of the hair transplant. It is a point of concern but all you could do about it save yourself from such practises. You need to think wisely before opting for a hair transplant clinic as your decision would totally reflect in your outcomes.
You can visit Medispa hair transplant clinic for the best experience like thousands others who trusted us for their incredible experience of hair transplant and the satisfaction clearly reflects in their smile.
You need to focus on certain factors when you are searching for the best hair transplant clinic explained as follows:
1. Qualification and experience of the performing surgeon: First you should know about the doctor who is going to perform the procedure. Yes, we focus on the performing surgeon as these days big clinics run under the name of a renowned surgeon but the procedure is been performed by some hired newbie. The surgeon should be ideally super specialized in plastic surgery and should have an authorized certification to perform the procedure from the national boards. Do check the experience of the surgeon in terms of numbers of successful cases performed by the surgeon.
2. Prefer a single doctor clinic: Big brands are getting attention these days and people prefer visiting multispecialty clinics. But for hair transplant, single doctor clinic could be preferred when the results take its sweet amount of time to reflect. In multispecialty ones the doctors keeps on replacing due to the hiring process which could be disappointing if you don’t find the same surgeon and had to meet a new one.
3. Don’t overlook the infrastructure of the clinic: The quality of equipment, separate operatory, high quality armamentarium and experience of the team are very important facilities the hair transplant clinic should have. In addition, the hygiene protocols should be thoroughly checked. Cost effective but not cheap: Yes, go for a reasonable clinic and not for a cheaper one. It is highly likely that flashing advertisements could attract your attention and you end up choosing a cheaper one. Make sure that you are focused on the quality of the clinic rather than just accounting the discounts and package deals.